Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Anniversary

It's our anniversary...
So many songs come to mind...
Stand By Me: Our first dance song. And more than anything an inside joke between us that I'll spare the details.
We Made It : For those times I felt like holding pillow over his head while he was KID..
My Best Friend: I love this song...and Yes it's country. But It's so true in so many ways.
When I was on my very short run this morning I was thinking about our wedding day....
How I had beer and pizza with the family (that came in from out of town) the night before my wedding. It was so much fun...we laughed and laughed and drank beer...
How everyone told me that I would be too excited to sleep the night before my wedding...I slept like a baby.
How we woke up at the butt crack of dawn to get our hair and make up done.
How some of my bridesmaids were prego but they were troopers the entire day.
How my mom tried to do my sister's hair and it looked a hot mess.. we all laughed and let someone else do it.
How Mike looked when he saw me walking down the isle. I love how Tim's face make the picture.
How Maryann got stuck in her dress
How Mike and the groomsmen we over taking pictures at the first location
How Mike and his groomsmen stayed back at my parents house and watched the Mizzou game while the me and the girls finished pictures. Yes I won wife of the year and am still using the excuse "but I let you skip out on pictures for the Mizzou game"
How my photographer was super weird
How this happened.
How we danced all night long with our friends and family
How Mike said "This is the best day of my life" when we danced our first song
How Mike and his mom both had a tear in their eye during the Mother & Son dance
How we kept messing this shot up
How much fun we had.
How much fun Mike and I are still having!

Morning Run

So, I took off today because I didn't have a sitter for Hannah.

Which is today ok in my book.

 The weather is going to be awesome today and I'm looking forward to spending a day with  my girl.

First things first. The morning run.

Instead of sleeping in I got my butt up and went for a run. Well I attempted to go for a run.

I am a creature of habit. Just ask my husband. I do everything exactly the same. Maybe I'm crazy, Maybe it's a touch of OCD..who knows.

So I get my running stuff on go to the living room to stretch while taking my GU. *my phone rings* it's my mom. Who I talk to every morning. I think..."oh I can totally answer this call, have these shoes off in 1.5 seconds and be on the couch with a cup of coffee and just chat away with my mom"

Seriously just that quick I can talk myself out of a run.

I hit ignore and say "sorry mom" like she can hear me.

I continue to stretch and I hear Hannah moving in the bedroom.

CRAP...if she sees me it will be all over with= no run.

So I GRAB my IPOD and run out the door. (no I did not leave H alone. My MIL is in the next room)

I get outside and HOLY CRAP it's FREEZING outside. 50 to be exact.

I start my Garmin and my IPOD and start running. PACE 8:00

I finish the first mile with no problem.

*side note* Why was there a man smoking at the bus stop with the kids? I could smell it a mile a way. It was SO NASTY what is wrong with people?

2nd Mile: FREEZING...NOSE RUNNING...EYES Watering...I felt like I was in the Arctic.

So I found some motivation...KEEP GOING AMIE!

Then I feel a pain in my left leg...ugh..probably from not stretching all the way...

Then I have a nasty taste in my mouth...probably because I didn't drink any water this morning or after i took my GU...ugh..

Then I realize I didn't have my gum...ugh...I have to have gum

So I sprint to mile 3 and I look down at my Garmin and realize I've hit stopped...probably when I tried to wipe the tears from my watering eyes..


So I stopped and walked home.

womp womp...

I'll try again later tonight..when it's not 50 degrees and I'm not out of "excuses" which I often call my routine.

Monday, September 17, 2012


I hear Mike's alarm go off around 4:00am.
5:00am I'm knocked out to the world as Mike kisses me goodbye
5:30-6:00 I am up and I get ready for this rainy Monday morning
I get this because I am totally obsessed with this creamer

I collect my bags because apparently I am the bag lady Monday- Friday.
 Load the car

6:15am I wake sleeping beauty:
Yes she's in clothes only because she insist on picking out her clothes...she doesn't care that they are not pajama's.

Get her dressed and we are out the door at 6:30am and off to the sitter's house.
I arrive at work around 7:30am- well really more like 7:45am but who is really counting.
 Get a text from the sitter.
Go back and get Hannah around 9:00am.
 Take her to work.
Thank All that is Good that I can take Hannah to work with me when I am in a crunch.
 Hannah is with me until 12:00 and then she goes to a friends house to play with one of her BFF's.
3:00pm get a text from the sitter: need to find someone to keep Hannah for the rest of the week.
A. I can roll with the punches
B. Freak out
I chose A.
 and went on my marry way.
5:00pm Hannah has dance class.
 so stinking cute...I didn't even care that she was so over tired, teething and not listening to a word I said.
5:30 Hannah had enough and so did I. ugh.. Terrible two's #shootmenow.
We got in the car and headed home...She cried and so did I. 
 It's just not fair that all of our family and friends are 6 hours away.
I had a coming to Jesus meeting with myself and sucked it up...
It was total silence in the car and I hear:
"I love you mama"
OMG...melt my heart.
Everything always works out!
In the end..All that matters is we have our family and our health
Being a mama..I've learned you HAVE to be flexible...No If and's what's about it.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Funday

Sunday FUNDAY!!
Church: Amazing
Shopping: Amazing. I guess the running is paying off. I have no pants that fit.
Hannah: Another successful day with the potty training. I even left the house with "big girl panties" No accidents!
Work out: Rain...which means Run on the treadmill #shootmenow.
6 miles 51:00 minutes 8.5 pace. I'll take it
My dad is now back home and I swear H said "Paw paw" 54,590 times today.
We miss him. And Love him

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hannah vs. The Big Girl Potty

The Lassen's have arrived in Potty Training hell phase. We probably could have done it back in July. But I'm being totally honest when I say I didn't have the patience or the time or the dedication.
She was ready. I wasn't. And we ALL have to be ready. This is truly a Group/Family Activity
I googled "How to know when your child is ready to potty train?"
She showed all the signs of being ready.
1. leaves the room to go number 2
2. Wakes up dry
We knew she was ready when A. she was telling us she had to go potty and B. She was changing her own "dirty" diapers.
So we hit it hard these past few weeks.
Hannah's sitter is great in a lot of ways but really great with the potty training. Hannah would go great for her. Like 3-4 times a day. But when she got home she screamed when we put her on the potty. frustrating.
This past week my dad kept Hannah and he really worked with her too. She has really made progress in just a week.
Today we had a great day. She would say "potty" and go to the potty seat. I was so proud. She had 3 accidents today but they totally were not her fault. Really it wasn't her dad's fault either...oh wait yes it was...I kid.. It was the football game's fault. He got distracted.
Granted we haven't left the house. That will be the test. Oh wow...I'm scared.
I can't believe we're already at the potty training stage...where does the time go? 
Wow where  did my life go? Did I just write a post about the potty? LOL!! I kid..I love my potty training life and wouldn't change it for anything.

I lost my lipstick

DATE NIGHT...yeah buddy..I should be excited when the hubs wants to take me out on a Friday night. RIGHT?

True but this girl was tired and had big plans for her Friday night.

I had all the intentions on spending my Friday night getting a good run in then putting my big comfy clothes on and starting a random project...or maybe bake cookies. I had it all planned out.
It was total lazy day weather. Rain, dark, cool outside...LOVE IT

Mike was like party up babe...let's do it....let's go...night out..blah blah blah

Ten minutes later

Me: Do you still want to go?
Mike: BABE YES go get ready...
Me: *5 minutes later...Do you still want to go? *at this point neither one of us had showered from our run and it was pushing 9pm.
Oh did I mention it was pouring outside?!!

The only place we(heathens) can go in this lovely dry county that we live in is partially outside on the back porch...true story..

 ugh...rain...I hate being out in rain

 I put my big girl panties on and went. (and for the record had a blast. Mike cracks me up..seriously dude isnt' right. I heart him)

The first "bar" not to be confused with the Sunday after church catfish buffet..because truly it is the SAME place..was without a doubt the best people watching a girl can ask for.
Hands down something right out of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo...

two buckets of beer and 3 shots...enough said...

Oh....but the fun didn't stop there...we ventured across the county line.. all I have to say. WOW..This bar was hmmm...different? BUT I LOVED EVERY MINUTE

They were dropping it like it was hot...The big girls were backing it up...then they'd throw in a song about a man and his dog...then they'd cupid shuffle...then they'd do a line dance..I mean the music was all over the place...

Next thing I knew the clock read 2:38am. I started doing the math in my head.

"H will be up in5 hours and I'm not even home yet" kill

So I rounded up my husband..who what chatting it up with the randoms.. and said we had to go... BUT then I realized I lost my favorite lipstick..ugh.. give me a few beers and I'm a mess.

My brutally honest friend Lauren says THIS SONG was written for me. And she's 100% right.

One the way home it took everything in me to resist the McDonald's drive through. Those french fries were CALLING MY NAME.

I held strong and went home.

BUT I may or may not have gotten McDonald's for lunch...and  notice my running mileage hasn't gone up... I was a total BUM all day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday Run

I don't know what it is about Tuesdays... but Tuesdays are my best running day.
 Maybe it's because Sunday's & Monday's are my rest days.
 Maybe it's because there is no alcohol in my system.
Maybe it's because after 2 days of no running I feel like a total bum and MAKE myself run like a boss.
Whatever the case I killed it today.
I do have to say it helped having my dad riding his bike by my side with Hannah. It kept my mind occupied.
6.16 Miles
57:40 Time
667 Calories
9:22 Pace
and I got a bug in my eye and I kept running...and my IPOD died about 4 miles in..

Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Grandparent's Day


Hannah is truly blessed with the greatest grandparents in the world!! Seriously those 3 can not spoil love her enough.

I just hate that we are 6 hours away from my parents. When MIMI comes they have a blast!

Yes that is my mom cheesing like a Doritos and yes that is my naked child...she refuses to keep clothes on...she is born and raised Arkansan...

My dad, won the Father of the Year award this week. He thankfully is with us this week to watch Hannah while our main sitter is out of town. I am so thankful...he only request was to supply him with Budweiser. Which all day with a two year old will make you drink.
 I was a little concerned. He's watch H a lot alone for a few hours but...not an entire day for an entire week. His parting words were "Hey I raised you and you turned out OK."

Hannah is totally in love with her MawMa. Thankfully she only has to go a few feet to see her. My MIL is truly a blessing. We love her so much. Regardless of her frequent dance parties 

She's no spring chicken... So we are so thankfully for the time we have with her.


We signed H up for dance class again. I just couldn't resist....

I mean look at this girl...She's got moves... and the world needs to see it.

After reading the fine print of "what to expect for dance class" it was suggest that she have a "dance bag" with her name on it. I looked on Etsy and found some super cute ones. I've seen a few girls with this bag and I'm just not one to get the same as others. Plus how hard could it be to make one?

Off I go to Hobby Lobby

I found a super cheap canvas bag for $2.99. Then I wondered around the fabric selection until I found red fabric. I think I paid $6.25 for it.

I attempted to pin the fabric on the canvas...just long enough for my MIL to come in and say "Do you know what you are doing..." thankfully she took it from there. I don't have the fondest idea how to work a sewing machine.

Canvas Bag: $2.99
Fabric:  $6.25
Bows:  $1.99
Embroidery: $10.00
Total: $21.23...WINNER

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend went by WAAAY to fast. Why do they days always seem so fast on the weekend?

 I have been DYING to get new running shoes. I have no idea why I bought Nike in the first place. I've had them for about 6 months. They are alright but I feel like they aren't giving my right ankle the support that they need.  I felt the need to get new shoes. (any reason to shop..right?)

I get online and googled "Top 10 brands of Running Shoes." A billion search results came up. I knew I loved me some ASICS, but I wanted to explore Brooks and Saucony. After reading all the review I was pretty sold on both brands.
Friday, I went to Go Running. I felt like a kid in a candy store. LOVE THIS STORE. I wanted EVERYTHING. New Shoes, New Sports Bra, New Sock...etc. etc.  Everything was so pretty and bright..It made me want to drop everything and go for a run.  After doing the "assessment" with one of the  super skinny, look so cute in her running outfit sales lady... I went with the Women Saucony. I also through in a box of my running crack. Love me some Chocolate Outrage

I had the I can't wait to go running feeling Friday after work. Well, mother nature had a different plan, it rained like the world was coming to an end. So I took it upon myself to get in my comfy clothes and watch T.V. BUT Saturday I did get my fanny up and go for a run. I however left my new kicks in the box. I didn't want to chance getting them muddy/wet from the rain. I know..I have issues...

Saturday afternoon, my lovely husband who lives and breaths football gave me the "I'm going to watch football all day..what are you doing today" look. So I took the opportunity to tell him I was going shopping. I hardly get away with shopping for no reason (well him knowing.. that I'm shopping for no reason.I've totally mastered the take the items OUT of the bag before taking them in the house) 

Anyway...long story longer.. Mike was super excited to get me out of the house. Isn't he romantic?...I barely had my shoes on when he threw us out the door. H and I went to a Matilda Jane trunk show. I pretty much lost my mind. I LOVE LOVE LOVE their clothes. The Peppermint Dress is by far my favorite purchase. I can't wait to get my order in.

We also went to a dance store to pick up a few things for H's class. Oh my word. H got in that store and lost her dang mind. I was totally was that mom...yelling for my child. It was a nightmare. She wouldn't get out of the changing room, she was climbing on the window display, in racks all while dragging this gynormous dance bag around the store. Oh and let's not forget the total melt down at the register when we were checking out. OH MY WORD... The sixteen year old check out lady was so nice but she was taking forever in a day to ring us out..then she had the nerve to try to sell me bows at the register. I was 2.5 seconds from loosing my sh!t. I said very thank you..we just need to get out of this store. 
Not my finest mother moment. soon as we get in the car. I counted to 10 and drove straight to the liquor store and told myself she's only two...she's only two... and that was the end of our shopping trip.

We got home and the boys were 3 sheets to the wind. I was in a football nightmare. AND the "Real" game hadn't even started know the one that Mike has been waiting all his life for...aka.. THE FIRST SEC MIZZOU game...oh and let's not forget the RAZORBACK game....shoot me now.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

If You Really Knew Me..

Copied this from a blog I stalk came across...and let's be honest it's a slow day at the office

If you really knew me...'d know I love my house to smell like something is baking.'d know that I love to bake.'d know that I decorate my house for every holiday. I even throw a little flag out for labor day..yep I'm that girl.'d know I was born in Florida.'d know my graduating class had all of 22 people in it. Surprising I would say I keep up with most of them.'d know two of my BFF's are from the 4th grade. (love me some Jaimie and Renee).'d know I am terrified of snakes.'d know that I'm not a soda drinker.'d know I am the world's worst singer.'d know that I always JACK up the words to songs.'d know that running is my new found passion'd know I am a faithful friend.'d know I have two tattoo's.
... you'd know I am super crazy about not getting my hair wet. And yes I WILL put a Kroger bag over my head and any site of rain.'d know that I LOVE reality T.V.'d know that I can not keep a secret to save my life. BUT telling my mom, Marcia, and Lauren oh and Mike really DOES count as "not telling anyone."'d know I love my husband's blue eyes.'d know I'd leave my husband in 2.5 seconds for Channing Tatum.'d know I take a ridiculous amount of pictures of my daughter.'d know my first job was at the St. Louis Zoo.'d know I've never seen a Harry Potter movie..and never plan too.'d know I can't watch scary movies or talk about ghost without getting freaked out.'d know I made a deal with Jesus that I would follow him ALL of my days as long as he would not let me see a ghost. (true story)'d know when I get scared I cover my eyes and plug my ears. BAHAAA my sister does too..we're freaks.

Glow Run

YEP...It happened again.

Marcia: "Technically you'll already be in ST.Louis.
ME: Yeah but I'll be at the Winery A.L.L. afternoon.

ME: Maybe I'll pace myself and be ready to run by 7pm.

This is going to be great ladies and gentlemen. "Amie" and "Pacing herself at the winery" are two words/phrases that should never be in the same sentence. Thank Goodness it's only a 5k

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

I guess this means Summer if officially over now that Labor Day is here. Although it's still a million degrees outside. This summer is a wrap. A part of me is so glad and the other half is going to miss the crazy summer that we had. Weddings, Bachelor parties, Lake, Beach, St. Louis trips, The Beach. etc etc Now we are back to normal. By normal I mean...

Razorback football games with friends. Thank high heavens for the wives. I love going to football games and chatting it up with them. I mean who really wants to "watch" football? I go for the beer, food and conversation.

Sunday...instead of going to the lake or sitting outside drinking(which I forgot to hit the liquor store Saturday...I totally frosted our self! #mustplanahead) and BBQing we spent it cleaning out the garage and shed. The bad thing about it...I enjoyed it. After finding on of these guys in the garage:

 NASTY! I about shat myself. I ran in the house got the spider kill and I kid you not sprayed that entire bottle on the spider. (yes...screamed the entire time) I left it's body there when his friends came back they could see his dead body...and move elsewhere...
So needless to say, I was more than eager to get the garage cleaned out. Plus since we are running a hotel here. We are expecting 2 maybe 3 house guest next week. Which means 3 additional cars. So we had to make room in the garage for 2 cars.
After the garage was cleaned. I decided to skip on my run. I had much better things to do like watch The Hunger Games, The Lucky One and How to Think Like a Man but Still be a Women (what the hell ever the name is..) I was a bum yesterday and it was so nice!!
So I started a friendly wager with my husband. We are trying to see who can run the fastest mile. I must have been crazy. He can run short distance much faster than I can. He ass got up this morning at the butt crack of down and ran. He did 1.86 his time was 16:XX and his pace was 9:01. ugh...
So I said OK, I totally can do this... after I wiped the crust from my eyes. I put my running gear on, stretch and hit the pavement. I hit it a little too fast. I looked down and my pace at 7:14... I your roll or your going to pass I slowed my roll... turned the corner got it down to 8:23...Then I see it....the snake...hanging out in the middle of the road...I do my little...freak dance... like the dang thing is about to jump up and wrap itself around my neck...(which it was a baby but still) and I get myself together and talk myself into going right...instead of left..which meant home...and kept running...only to see ANOTHER with that..I turned around...and ran my ass home. Sorry I have a 2 snake minimum.  ugh...redangdiculous.
I was already a little paranoid Saturday our friends told us that this family who lived close to us came home and found a copperhead IN THEIR BATHROOM!! I seriously have slept with one eye opened and I'm not even going to explain to you how I sit on the make sure a snake isn't hanging out in our pipes... ugh..
I'm running out of running paths. My neighborhood is only so big.