Wednesday, May 8, 2013

So What Wednesday

It's so what Wednesday!!!!


If I've slept through my morning runs... (except Monday) I've ran every night...on the dreadmill

If ate the rest of H's happy meal. I've done good all week. That cheeseburger was calling my name

If M said he's so glad he married me and not "***#", It's a compliment and I'll take it.

If I plan on telling HR that I am trying to get prego so I don't have to have a round of immunizations or the flu shot. That stuff is overrated.

If I can't wear jeans at the new job. I can wear SCRUBS!

If I'd rather have money than a mother's day gift.

If we had to guide our neighbors dog in our house so Manny (our dog) would follow him in the house. #dangdogranrightoutthefrontdoor

If I'm super excited about the HH RUN!

If it's only 6pm and I'm so ready for bed

1 comment:

  1. Hell yes I'll take money for Mother's Day, thankyouverymuch. Mommy can figure out what she wants on her own.
    HH is just around the corner!! Eeeeek!
