Thursday, June 28, 2012

Work less Wednesday #3

aaahhhh....I can get used to this four day work week. I love it. I wish I was a SAHM.

So this Wednesday we recieved an unexpected yet totally excited visit from this girl!!

YEP that's my big (yet slightly shorter) sister AMBER!

Can I just say how awesome my sister is. She has a heart of gold. Would seriously give the shirt off her back to a total stranger. She loves the LORD with all of her heart (and then some) she has a passion for children. And she is the only member of the Washington clan who doesn't  drink.  SERIOUSLY not even a sip. I've tried to slip her a little nip, but she won't. I really don't understand how you can watch (other peoples) children and not NEED a drank?! Go figure.
AND my sis has lost 60 pounds!! she used to look like this:

I love her and sometimes I foget that she's the oldest. Like Monday night when she drove down, I accidently called her 14 times to make sure she didn't fall asleep at the wheel.

Anyway, Workless Wednesday we took Hannah to Chuch E Cheese.

Of course we had to ride the train with BARNEY.

Then we took a ride with this guy (x25 girl love it!)

I caved and gave her some lemonade. (the only way I could keep her at the table while we ate)

I thought she'd be afraid of these guys, but once the music started she was a dancing machine!

I don't know why but this picture cracks me up! Amber is all intense in this skeeball game and H wouldn't get out of the way...then she tried to steal Amber's tickets.

We had a great time. We ended the day with gymnastics. Which was a barrell of fun with a 2 year old with no nap. It was an early night for all of us.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Yeah so Mike left yesterday for a weekend bachelor party in Dallas with his friends. I'm pretty much ready for him to come home...Now..I know pathetic but I miss me some him.

Hannah and I went to dinner with Linda. We had margarita's it was delicious. Now we are home in our jammies and H is watching Dora (cause we just don't watch enough Dora these days) and I'm bored without Mike. So what's a girl to do... A blog entry...Lame I know..but it's too early to go to bed and H is hogging the TV

ABC'S of me

A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: is set on 72 a little chilly for me BUT we gotta keep MIL happy.

B- My BEDROOM theme is: yellow white and grey. I loves my ruffel bedskirt

C- The CAR in the driveway is:  well let's see. We have the impala that belongs to MIL, and the Honkey Tonk Chevy that belongs to my transformed country boy and my Escape. Her name is red rocket. She's good to me. I love her.
D- My DESK looks: Well if I had one that would be nice.  I'm usually sitting on the couch with my laptop anyways.
E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: ugh's rough..and my morning runs are usually rough..
F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: My face.
G- My GARAGE is filled with: treadmill, wagon, bikes, riding mover etc etc..
H- My HOUSE is: I love my house. It makes me smile.. 

I- If you peeked INSIDE my bedroom you'd see: Hannah's toys all over the place.
J- My favorite JUICE is: Not a big fan of juice..back in the day I drank apple juice like crazy..then I looked at the label. and threw that stuff out.

K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: my cabinets. I love the white cabinets.

L- The LAST person who visited my home was: My sister in law Leslei but my MOMS IS COMING FRIDAY!!!

M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: My new running shirt from This Girl Lauren, Marcia and I got these for December

N- My NEIGHBORS think I'm. strange? I don't know I never see them.

O- If you OPENED my fridge you'd see: Lots of yellow squash. My garden has been great this year.

P- My last house PARTY was: Easter. We are overdue for a bbq

Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: Stir fry with lots of veggies

R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: Hannah's room. It turned out so cute

S- The SHAMPOO brand I use is:  Umm... not really sure. whatever is at the beauty shop

T- My largest TELEVISION is: Who knows ...all I know is it make Mike happy. I could care less

U- UNDER my bed you will find: Hannah's crib mattress. I'm not sure why it's there.

V- The last time I VACUUMED was: last week when H decided to smash animal crackers in the carpet
W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: my backyard and lots of trees and flowers 

X- I wish I had X-TRA: money. duh. I have so many ideas of what I could do with it!

Y- My YARD is: Great and snake free
Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is: usually around 10 or 10:30 which is late for me

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sometimes and Always #1

Sometimes: I can call Little Rock my home without having tears in my eyes

Always: Miss my friends and family back home. Man I wish they would move here.

especially these guys

Sometimes: Mike drives me bat sh!t crazy

Always: Miss him like crazy when he's out of town

Everything will be alright as long as we stick together

Sometimes: I wish Hannah will stay her little sweet self

Always: Enjoy seeing her doing and learning new things

Sometimes: I wish I was prego with#2

Always: Enjoy a glass of wine because I am NOT prego wth #2

Sometimes: I get carried away with the DIY projects. I blame Pinterest

Always: Most of the time I enjoy the outcome of my projects

Sometimes: It hits me how blessed I am to have such a hard working husband

Always: I want to be the best for family

Sometimes: I find it really rewarding to eat lots of fruits and veggies

Always: I ALWAYS steal McDonald's fries from Hannah's Happy Meal

Sometimes: I wish my job was more challenging

Always: Enjoy the people I work with and the flexibility to get thing done (like blogging)

Work less Wednesday #2

The Plan:

Get up at 5am and just get my run over.

The Real Deal:

Alarm went off at 5am...I must have turned it off but had no recollection of it. At 5:30 my fearless dog woke me up because he was dreaming and kicking the wall. So off to the couch I go with Manny. I knew if I didn't get moving I would skip my run for the day. So what does a dedicated runner do?

Turn on the BOOB TUBE: yep...I watched last night's episode of Teen Mom at 5:30am. I am 97% sure I am the only person in America who still watches that show who is over the age of 25 .  It's like watching a train wreck... You can't stop watching.

So once I polluted my head with more junk TV. I finally hit the pavement with Manny.

Remember those days when you'd run pretty? You know..Your pony tail is just right. you have a little glow to your face. You don't glisten. You're running in the newest running gear..that is fashionable. Your outfit matches. blah blah blah...then every once in a while you'll get that random "honk" from a hot guy driving by. I just want to take a moment to reflect on those days. Because NOW:

I run with my hair spilt down the middle of my head..basically pigtails. (A) I have so much dang hair my beautician said it's a must otherwise I will suffocate my scalp...ultimately (B) resulting in more hair appointments..which in Mike's mind going once a week is overboard anyway..and when he says that I always come back with "Babe...I'm black and I point to my hair" anyway the cute pony tail is out.

My running outfit is not the latest  Nike's a plane old t-shirt/tank top and my running shorts are covered in paint from last week. I definitely don't glisten..I sweat like a dude and the only compliments that are flowing are for Manny.... How rude ;o)

He is a little Stud

So on to more rambling.

I had an 8:00am doctor appointment this morning. H was still asleep so I was able to leave her with MIL (reason #25,923 why her being here is AMAZEBALLS) I don't know about you, but there is something about taking a 2 year old to the doctor's office that make me want to DRANK.

I have this "growth" on my elbow. It's not noticeable and I've had it for years. It only bothers me when I hit my elbow just right on knot. Let me tell you...The pain level is right up there with child birth. One time I SWEAR I saw Jesus! It HURT so bad!!  I tried to diagnose myself on WEB MD but to no avail. I was concerned it might be a cyst. After hearing the horror story from my friend Samantha who had a cyst removed from her lip.NO THANK YOU VERY MUCH....I wanted no part of a cyst or the removal of the cyst. So on to the doctor to get it diagnosed

But before I get to that let's talk about the scale at the doctors office. I mean REALLY? Why is it always higher than the one at home? AND let's talk about the process of weighing.

The nice nurse tells me to step on the scale. OK no biggy. I don't even take my shoes off because I have made sure I have the LIGHTEST pair of flip flops on. I get on the scale and she SLINGS that metal piece over like she's playing a slot machine. I mean REALLY? Why do you push it so hard. Like she already knows my weight. I mean can't she be a little more sensitive? And I swear she doesn't let that thing settled all the way before she writes my weight down.

Her scale said I was up 2 pounds. There is no way I gained 2 pounds on my way to the doctors office. I'm going to bring my scale to the next appointment.

So..I have been cleared..No cyst. Its a calcium build up on a tendon. Which means no removal unless it really starts to bother me.

When I returned from the doctors appointment. H was up and ready to go. So we ate breakfast and headed to the pool. SHE LOVES THE POOL. I shouldn't be but I am so shocked at how brave she is. We got a kiddy float device and she get that thing on and has no fear! I mean she wants to be thrown in, jump off the side of the edge float all around the dang pool. It make me a nervous wreck but she loves it!

After the pool we had a picnic for lunch. I laughed at myself as I made her lunch. It consisted of: watermelon, cantaloupe, cheese cubes, animal crackers and of course garlic bologna. I had to laugh. I was super crazy about H and what she ate before she turned 1. I mean the whole nine yards. BREAST MILK ONLY-then only home made baby food, NO SUGAR and EVERYTHING had to be organic. I wouldn't even give her tap water. Who buys NURSERY water? THIS GIRL! and now I'm feeding her BOLOGNA!!!
not that there is anything wrong with bologna. Shoot I grew up on bologna and every once in awhile I crave a fried bologna sandwich with mayo and cheese..yep sounds disgusting but I LOVES it

 Hannah is barely 25 pounds. She needs some meat on her bones and if the girl wants bologna. She gets it.

We ended our day with gymnastics and a little relaxation with daddy. (since he's leaving us for the weekend...sad day)

Hannah is trying to multitask watching Shrek, holding baby and talking with Mimi..

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Flip This Room Part 1

I took it upon myself to redo Hannah's bedroom. I felt like it was time to actually decorate her room since we have been in the house almost 3 years now. So off I went to Home Depot bought my paint & brushes and went to town.

Hannah of course wanted to help. She LOVED the tarp. She ran around and around and around...

Can we say shadow...

I worked ALL night Friday until it was completely painted. I was exhausted and had Paint EVERYWHERE.  but it was worth it and we still had smiles on our faces.

I found these toy chest on craigslist for 20BUCKS!!  I gave them some lovin' and they look adorable in the room.

I still have to make the curtains and hang a few things. Stay tuned for pictures.

Look at my girl:

She likes to hear the "tap" on the floor with her tap shoes. She walked this baby all day. I never want to forget these moments.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Work less Wednesday's #1

One of the benefits of working at my job is the "summer schedule" That is offered during the summer months. Can I just say I LOVE the summer schedule. Yes, I have to work 4 ten hour work days (BOO!) but that extra day off really puts a smile on my face. (YEAH!!)

So this year, Wednesdays are my additional day off. When I got approved I instantly began planning my Work less Wednesdays with Hannah. This is the line up: Explore Downtown LR, POOL day, LR ZOO, Chuck E Cheese, Play Time Pizza, Beach. And that's all I've planned so far.

Week #1: Go to the big down town of Little Rock. Explore the shops, watch the ducks at the Pea Body. Play in the new water "park" in the river market. Meet Mike for lunch etc. etc. etc.

We'll one thing I learned quickly as a mother is that 9 out of 10 times things don't work out as planned. So you adjust and move on. So when the clock hit 9:30am and H was still asleep. I realized there was no way we'd make it downtown by 11 to see the ducks. So I adjusted.

I took this little guy on a run: (P.S. He is not a good running partner..Bless his heart he can't run straight to save his little doggy life)

And when H was still asleep when I got back I showered and caught up on my shows.

When sleeping beauty arose from her beauty sleep. We ate breakfast, showered and moved on to plan B: SHOPPING!!! (when all else fails...Go Shopping)

I don't know about anyone elses kid, but when I say "Hannah are you ready to go?" She says "Sure Mama" and runs around like a kleptomaniac and grabs as many things as she can...and heads for the door...

It's really stinking cute BUT the back seat of my car looks like the inside of a toy box.

I've been wanting to try a few of the resale shops in Benton. So off we went to explore the Big Town of Benton. We went to the "Finer Things" resale shop. It looked like a tornado went through this place. STUFF everywhere. Which really triggers my OCD I just want to start picking up things and organizing it. BUT after digging I did find a pair of tap shoes for H for $6.00 bucks!! WINNER.

That however was the end of my treasures. The resale shops were a bust. I was pretty disappointed.
So we headed over to Home Depot. Which is dangerous. I'm pretty clueless.  I purchased 3 different paint colors, a brush, and a tarp and came home and cleared H's room out.

That's right..This girl is a painter by night..(or really by urge) I'm redoing H's rooms. Stay tuned...

Even though we didn't make it downtown to explore LR. I really enjoyed having an extra day with my pumkindoodle.

Monday, June 11, 2012

A little dancing and a lot of pool

This weekend H had her first dance class.

Side Note:
While I realize H is only going to be two (GASP) I've pretty much worn her out with the picture taking. I wanted to get a picture of her outfit before we left and as soon as I got the camera out. She ran to the window and wouldn't turn around. I wonder where she gets that sassy from?

Back to the dance:
 It was ADORABLE.  They started the class with a little music. You know "Toddler Top Hits" a.k.a. Dora, The Wheels on the bus and then  H's all time favorite "Barney" came on and H screamed with excitement. It was priceless.

After they danced and got all the wiggles out ramped up they did a play time on the mats and bars.

 H with one of her buddies working it on the bar.

H wanted to help Ms. K with everything.

This "cheese/wedge mat" has always been one of H's favorites. BUT to my surprise I was told Saturday rolling down these is helpful for kids and their reading development?

Say huh? You know I had to google that.
So this is what I found: NOTHING..NADA..NOT one thing.
So I plan on asking my friend Jaimie. She's knows everything

The best part of the class was this:

Girlfriend was KNOCKED OUT.

But not for long...just long enough for me the Think I'll get a little down time. lol..I kid... I kid.

So we headed to the POOL.

Last year we went to the pool a lot. This year now that H is a little bigger she loves it. We'll be taking full advantage of this pool this summer. oh and that little lady bug floatation is great. I wanted to put two of them on her. ( I get a little paranoid around water...I'm working on it)

It was a nice to be home this weekend. We were overdue for a relaxing weekend.

This is how I found H at one point last night? She was accessorizing...apparently...

Little Letters

Dear Orange Beach,
I can't wait to see you next month!!

Dear Arkansas School Districts,
I personally want to thank ALL 249 of you guys for going on summer vacation.

While your bicycling speed is impressive. This is not a BIKE track! It's a neighborhood SLOW YOUR ROLL...and stop wearing the same outfit everyday...just saying

Dear really nice neighbor guy,
While I think your little dog is adorable, it kind of freaks me out that you let him run "just a little" with me when I run by your house....everyday

Dear snake on the road this morning,
Thank you for being dead.

Dear Denton's Trotline,
Thank you for NEVER letting me down. You guys are REALLY solid on the entertainment. And a special thank you to the lady who (apparently was wearing wedges for the first time in her life) fell multiple times Saturday night.

Dear Lauren,
I know when you called me a "pain" this weekend. You really meant that I was super awesome and you can hardly stand living so far away from me..and you will do your best to relocate to AR.  I think your words got a little jumbled. (stop drinking so much and that won't happened)

Dear 50 Shades of Grey,
Congratulations for being the first book to make be blush. You are too much. I don't understand all the hype. No I will not be finishing you. Filthiness is what you are!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Simple Life

I don't want to jinx myself. BUT life has been pretty BORING simple here at the Lassen Home. My day usually consist of:

The alarm going off at 5:18am (random I know) and 9 out of 10 times I have a debate with myself in my head that goes pretty much like this:
 "Amie get up and go for a run"
"No, it's still dark outside. You can't see the snakes"
"Amie get up and go for a run! Just get your run over with"
*hit the snooze button*
"Amie the sun is practically up. GET YOUR ARSE out of BED!"
*hit the snooze button*
"Amie-It's now 6:15am get in the shower"

I don't know what it is, but I can't get out of bed in the morning. So my simple life have been:

Play with Hannah
Go for a run
Bath/play with Hannah/Put H to sleep
Watch a ridiculous amount of reality TV and fall asleep

 I know don't be jealous. Although, I do have to admit. I love the simple life. One of the 100,000 reasons why I love Mike and married his blue eyed blond hair self. WE like to keep things simple

Last week we thought we'd shake that up a bit and spend a RIDICULOUS amount of time in the car.

Friday we went to Dallas for memorial day. BANKED 5 hours in the car. ("we" and when I say "we" I mean MIKE got lost.) Drove home Sunday BANKED 4 hours in the car.

Which was totally worth it because we got to hang out with these guys!!

AND we go back to Dallas in JULY!
Side note:

We got news Sunday that Mike's Uncle passed away. Floyd Lassen was one of the sweetest kindest man I knew. I feel so fortunate to have known him.

So with that. Monday we headed to STL and  BANKED 6 hours in the car. We thought we'd drive through the night to help Hannah sleep aka make the drive easier (with no screaming for suckers)on them not me.

I really don't function well between the hours of 10:00pm- 6:00am so Mike and Linda did most  all of the driving. (I'm sure my name was dirt) I think it gave Mike a little satisfaction that Manny (yes, we had our 6 month old boxer with us..yes we are crazy) insisted on sleeping all 6 hours on my lap. By hour 2 I realized that I was way too old to travel with a dog on my lap. My back was KILLING me.

We got to STL around 5:00 am exhausted. BUT boy was Hannah ready to go. That's when we passed her hyper hiney off to PAWPAW. She had a blast playing in the backyard with him. We were only at my parents all of 12 hours but Hannah had to be bathe 3 times. We also got to spend a little time with our lovely son Devin before we headed to the funeral Tuesday. (BONUS) After the funeral around 6pm we headed back to LR BANKED 6 hours in the car  we got back to LR at 1:00am we all walked straight to our beds we were SO TIRED.  Bless Mike's little heart, Wednesday morning he had to head to Fayetteville for work. He BANKED 3 hours in the car (plus 3 hours driving back to STL)  and pretty much hating life at this point.

Mike got home late Thursday night (after a cable cut..ugh these ALWAYS happen at the MOST inconvenient time) just to get enough sleep to drive us BACK to Cape Girardeau Friday for Keith and Brandy's Wedding. BANKED 4 hours in the car  This was a really fun weekend. Not only did we get to see our friends get married. BUT we also go 2 nights to hang out with some good friends. We headed back to LR Sunday BANKED 4 hours in the car.

Needless to say, we've banked a lot of hours in the car this pass week. We are more than excited to return to our simple life. AND Mike is beyond excited that he only has to bank 4 hours in the car for Adrian's Bachelor party in the month of June.

It's time for me to get serious about the St. Jude Marathon and I recently signed up for The Color Run which is going to be AMAZEBALLS running with Marcia & Lauren!!

oh and how cute is this little PUMKINDOODLE!!!! Thank you JESUS FOR HER!!