Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sometimes and Always #1

Sometimes: I can call Little Rock my home without having tears in my eyes

Always: Miss my friends and family back home. Man I wish they would move here.

especially these guys

Sometimes: Mike drives me bat sh!t crazy

Always: Miss him like crazy when he's out of town

Everything will be alright as long as we stick together

Sometimes: I wish Hannah will stay her little sweet self

Always: Enjoy seeing her doing and learning new things

Sometimes: I wish I was prego with#2

Always: Enjoy a glass of wine because I am NOT prego wth #2

Sometimes: I get carried away with the DIY projects. I blame Pinterest

Always: Most of the time I enjoy the outcome of my projects

Sometimes: It hits me how blessed I am to have such a hard working husband

Always: I want to be the best for family

Sometimes: I find it really rewarding to eat lots of fruits and veggies

Always: I ALWAYS steal McDonald's fries from Hannah's Happy Meal

Sometimes: I wish my job was more challenging

Always: Enjoy the people I work with and the flexibility to get thing done (like blogging)

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