Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dang Cold Weather

My mom asked me bright and early this morning if I wanted to go shopping today. I thought about it and said No, thanks I'm broke I'd rather stay home and clean my house.

What is wrong with me?

 I love Christmas but I LOVE having all that stuff put away.

 I haven't showered yet and it's 3:29 PM. I woke up had my cup of coffee (with bailey's thanks to my sweet husband who now realizes I'm a little more fun with a tiny bit of alcohol in my system.) and started putting the Christmas décor away.

There is something about the end of the holiday's, that triggers  my OCD. I immediately want to: clean the house, go through H's toy and get ride of what usually ends up being 5 toys, rearrange the house, paint something, and pretty much drive everyone insane.

This weather better warm up fast before my husband serves me my papers.

 I chalk up this built up energy to it being too cold to run outside. I just sit inside and drink I mean bake and think of things I want to change in this house. Like the front door. I really think I need to paint it red.

I better get a grip. OR deal with running on the treadmill. I haven't touched the dreadmill in quite awhile and I'm totally not touching that biotch until January 1, 2013. Then it's on like donkey kong. Morning runs, everyday runs, shoot me in the face I only have a few days left until it starts.

I'm a much happier person when I am running. Just ask M, who recently got chewed a new one because he didn't ask if I was ok when I dropped a book on my foot. yep true Hollywood story. girl needs to get outside and run.

Who else is ready for 2013? This girl is!

and just because she's so cute...

yep, someone got a (REAL) microphone and stand for Christmas she can work the crowd...and yes, we are still watching the wizard of oz all day everyday!

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