Sunday, July 21, 2013

Busy Week

It’s been awhile my friends….
I’ve been quite the social butterfly these last two week.
Monday- was payroll Monday. Shoot me now. I had to work late, like really late because the  time clocks were down and no one could figure out their "worked time" so we had to do it all manual. Let us reflect on my math skills….ZERO. I wanted to come home and chug multiple ice cold bud lights but I refrained.
Tuesday- Beauty shop day! Duh… I love Tuesdays, I’ve become pretty close to my beautician. So it’s more of an social hour, you know the kind that makes you step out of the beauty shop full of gossip, swinging your hair white girl style. Yep! And that is why I don’t miss a Tuesday.
Wednesday- I got a call from a friend. She decided to…let’s see how do I say this… part ways from her  DBAG, husband …. So proud of her, for standing up for what she deserves. SO what does a girl do?…She gets the biggest bottle of wine, drops by the bakery and shows up at her house for booze, cupcakes and CA*** bashing. Oh the life of a girl.
Thursday- BUNCO. I love Bunco. It’s a bunch of women boozing, eating and throwing dice. AND leaving with a prize. WINNING. (and yes, I do realize going to Bunco ages me) but hey, I’m 25 and I look dang good. Ok 32…
Friday- I get a lovely text from my husband:

  HA, bless his heart he missed me.

So we had a low key night. H went to bed early so we had a home date, which I love.

We watched Sinister. Help me Jesus. He watched it, I plugged my ears and closed my eyes for 98% of the movie. I guess being scared is not for the old. I can’t have my blood pressure raising like that. Too dangerous.
I did get a few runs in here and there. And by few I mean maybe 2 long runs. BUT I’ve been watching what I’ve been putting in my pie hole, walking to my building instead of taking the shuttle and walking up and down 7 flights of stairs daily.

You know instead of heading to the cafeteria for fresh baked cookies. I hit the stairs.
This week, I told myself I was not planning stuff during the week. H’s party is on Saturday and I had major stuff to do. Like clean out the pantry, shampoo the carpets, use the magic eraser on EVERYTHING in the house. Yes, I was a fanatic.
Did I abide by that… we’ll no.


1 comment:

  1. You crack my sh!t up... "swinging your hair white girl style." BAHAHAHA! Love it.
    Props to your friend for her life changing decision. Even bigger props for you providing booze and baked good. Best friend of the year award!
