Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Glory! We are one week from Christmas folks! Is anyone else ready for Christmas to be here so we can drink egg nog all day?! THIS GIRL IS!

This week, I am appropriately say SO WHAT who cares to….

I just mailed out our Christmas cards yesterday. They have been sitting on our dining room table signed sealed and ready to be delivered since Thanksgiving.

I wrapped gifts yesterday and most of them are in bags with tissue paper. I’m horrible at wrapping.

I ate French onion dip right out of the container (with lay’s chips) yesterday. I have lost total control when it comes to food.

I haven’t ran, or even thought about running since the Turkey Trot. ON THANKSGIVING. Oh my word. It’s bad.

I still have to find gifts for my mom, dad, and Mike. The stores are going to be crazy this weekend and I have no idea what to get them.

I am totally disappointed in the Homeland season finale. How could they?

I have a secret and I’m the worst at keeping secrets. #noimnotprego

I refused to respond to rude emails at work. I simply delete them. What happened to the Holiday Spirit?

What are you saying so what to today?


  1. I didn't mail my cards out until yesterday too! They're now officially "holiday" cards.

  2. Buy some wine, throw it in a bag, add tissue. BAM, holiday shopping DONE. :)
    My motivation to run the last few weeks has been ZILCH. I seriously need someone to kick my happy ass in gear, or I'll be walking HH come June (that makes recovery easier, therefore easier to down wine).
    I have a secret too (nope, not preggo). Let's get together, split some spiked egg nog and spill our secrets together. #canyoucometokcforchristmas?

  3. I'm a horrible wrapper also. My friend is such a great wrapper and it makes me so jealous.

  4. Ok Lays and french onion dip out of the container sounds pretty heavenly!
