Friday, December 27, 2013

This year

I came accross this pin and thought this would be a great start to my 2014. I don't know about you but I do better when I have a visual. 2013 was great, I'll share the recap soon but big  changes are coming in the L house for 2014. We are excited.

This year….

A bad habit I’m going to break:

Cursing, my mouth is terrible.

A new skill I’d like to learn:
I would love to learn how to properly use my sewing machine. I would love to make a quilt out of H’s baby clothes.

A person I hope to be more like:
My husband. He has the patience’s of mother Theresa.

A good deed I’m going to do:I’m going to send random pick me up/encouraging cards to my friends and family. Who doesn’t love mail?

A place I’d like to visit: I defiantly make it a goal to see the ocean at least once a year.

A book I’d like to read:Not sure on this one? Any suggestions?

A letter I’m going to write:A five year wedding anniversary love letter to my husband

A new food I’d like to try:More GREENS. “If it came from a plant, eat it: if it was made in a plant, don’t”

What are some of your 2014 goals?


  1. I am posting them all on the 30th but here are a few:
    1. Read 14 books
    2. Organize craft room
    3.Get family pictures taken

  2. Good for you Amie! I agree cursing is not good. There are so many more words out there to use to express our selves more than curse words. You're extremely clever so I have the confidence you will and CAN do this. Proud of you girlie!
