WHEW...It's been a while since I've written a post... and boy can I tell you The L's have been busy...
Here's what we've been up too:
As you know we were relocated to St. Louis (Que the Hallelujah choir). I was always a thought in the back of our head and when it happened we were just beyond excited. I'd like to thank Mr. L for making our dreams come true. His hard work has paid off and not only were we relocated but he was promoted. I couldn't be more proud.
I'll skip the terrible, I never want to pack/unpack or move again details. Thankfully we had movers. I'm not really sure if that was a good thing or not. Don't get me wrong they were sweet but my lord. Have you ever been around a toddler and they are all "mom.. mom.. mom.. mom" every 5 seconds... imagine someone saying Mrs. Lassen every 2 minutes and then H chiming in on the fun with a mom every 2 minutes. Talk about sick of hearing your name and answering questions. Finally I got everyone together and ask if we could cover any questions before "We" started... Why did they look at me like I had 15 heads? Crickets. It was a small miracle to get everything packed and on the road for STL.
The House our Arkansas house sold with a quickness. Which was awesome we hadn't found a house in STL which meant we would be staying with my parents. All fine and dandy until you insert Manny, our 3 year old boxer and Harvey their 4 year old English Mastiff who happens to be 160 pounds. Manny is maybe 35 pound if he has just eaten, had on a sweater and a weight vest. Harvey 23 Manny 0... I just didn't understand why these two couldn't get along.
I digress.
We found a house in a great school district with a yard with a fence, with great neighbors, with a Friar Tuck less than a mile away , I didn't realize how picky I was until we started the house hunt. Thank GAWD we had an awesome Realtor who understood why I wouldn't look at a house after seeing it was on a cul-de-sac with no parking. She was all "Amie, we haven't even gone in the house" I told her I couldn't not live in a house where there was no parking. I've gone 5 years with no family over for holidays and by god this year it was on i.e we need room for parking. I am so happy with this house, we have outstanding neighbors. Now if I can just get H to love it.
The adjustment period is still lagging on. All the boxes are unpacked, everything is hung on the walls we have made this a home, but for some reason it just hasn't set in for me and Hannah. For me it's almost like it's too good to be true. Are we really here... to stay? Maybe it's because I'm not working. I have all this time on my hands and it seems like we are here for a visit. H isn't adjusting well.. Girlfriend is afraid of everything in this house. Which really surprise me. She's never scared of anything. I get the Arkansas home is all that she has known but she is scared of every little sound in this house. Like last night I had to move a towel because she swore it was scary. We are just taking our time with her, and I am so thankful that I am home at this point. Manny, he adjusted the worst. Poor dog just lost his puppy chow mind. Fenced in yard only made things worse. He was able to see our neighbors and would bark and bark and bark and bark. you get the point. Then started snapping at people... and then he snapped at me and then he snapped at Hannah. and that is when we drew the line. It was a hard decision but we had to give Manny up. We found a great family with other dogs and children and I've (stalked) kept in touch with them and Manny is doing just fine. It's was the hardest thing I had to do but I know it was for the best. So now we have a NO DOG rule in this house. My emotions just can't take it.
It is so nice being back around family. We make it a point to have family dinner's at least once a month. It's very nice. It's also nice that we live 45 minutes away from family... I kid I kid.
As most of you know, My husband has a very very small family. Growing up his friends were his family and they still are. I love when his friend pop in on Saturdays to watch football (it's a great distraction, when I'm out shopping)
That's all for now, Stay tuned I'm back with more post!!
GO ROYALS.... although I think the Giants are going to win... sorry Desiree
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
Many Things to Celebrate
Happy Happy Birthday to me..
Am I the only one who instantly sings the sprout version of Happy Birthday?
It's my birthday today, I tell you what we have a lot to celebrate today. They are what I call small victories... ready ?..
Let's Celebrate...
Of course we want to celebrate the fact that we all are in good health, we are together, blah blah blah but let's get to the good stuff
The fact that we are back in STL!!!
That we are somewhat unpacked and with a functional kitchen, That's huge for my OCD.
That we have friends who live close by. Not just any friends but friends who understand, why we can't hang out between the hours of 12:30-2:00 because it's nap time, Friends who find it totally acceptable to show up in work out clothes (even if we didn't really work out that day) and a ponytail with no make up. Those friends are hard to find and we love them.
Let's celebrate the fact that if mamma needs some wine... I don't have to cross the county line. I can ROLL up to Quick Trip (which deserves it's own celebration line) and buy whatever I want. Did you know QT has a deli in it now?! crazy talk.
The fact that I have lived 33 years (wow that was hard to type) I really do feel blessed to see another year.
The fact that marathon training starts. yes marathon TRAINING. I HAVE to train for this, no winging it. A girl in her thirties no longer have the capability of winging races.
I am one happy girl...I guess the proper word is lady approaching her mid thirties.
It's good to be back at blogging! HELLO EVERYONE!!!
It's my birthday today, I tell you what we have a lot to celebrate today. They are what I call small victories... ready ?..
Let's Celebrate...
Of course we want to celebrate the fact that we all are in good health, we are together, blah blah blah but let's get to the good stuff
The fact that we are back in STL!!!
That we are somewhat unpacked and with a functional kitchen, That's huge for my OCD.
That we have friends who live close by. Not just any friends but friends who understand, why we can't hang out between the hours of 12:30-2:00 because it's nap time, Friends who find it totally acceptable to show up in work out clothes (even if we didn't really work out that day) and a ponytail with no make up. Those friends are hard to find and we love them.
Let's celebrate the fact that if mamma needs some wine... I don't have to cross the county line. I can ROLL up to Quick Trip (which deserves it's own celebration line) and buy whatever I want. Did you know QT has a deli in it now?! crazy talk.
The fact that I have lived 33 years (wow that was hard to type) I really do feel blessed to see another year.
The fact that marathon training starts. yes marathon TRAINING. I HAVE to train for this, no winging it. A girl in her thirties no longer have the capability of winging races.
I am one happy girl...I guess the proper word is lady approaching her mid thirties.
It's good to be back at blogging! HELLO EVERYONE!!!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Monday Musings
I know it's been a month of Sunday's since I've posted. I promise my life will return to "normal" on July 15...That's a bold face lie... our boxes will be delivered on July 15th to our new house, I'm going to be knee deep in boxes until July 25th I'm sure.
I can't unpack on box one day at a time. I can't rest until it's all unpacked and everything is in it's place.
I'm in Arkansas for the next two days "supervising" the packers. I really hope they don't kick me out of my own house.
whoops the packers just got here... EARLY.. I like it
chat with you guys later...
Happy Monday...
I can't unpack on box one day at a time. I can't rest until it's all unpacked and everything is in it's place.
I'm in Arkansas for the next two days "supervising" the packers. I really hope they don't kick me out of my own house.
whoops the packers just got here... EARLY.. I like it
chat with you guys later...
Happy Monday...
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Sunshine Award
Ashley at nominated me for the sunshine award... echem... excuse me while I adjust my halo. I love meeting new bloggers especially when they don't sugar coat things and keep it real.
on to the questions.
1) Do you have any kids? If so, how did you choose the names? If not, do you already have names picked out?
I have an 18 year old stepson Devin and a 3 year old daughter Hannah. My, son came with a name..small joke. Hannah's name was Ava until the month I delivered. I went with Hannah because I wanted a biblical name.
2) When and where do you normally blog?
I used to blog at work, now I blog in my parents dining room, until we close on our house. I always blog in the mornings. I'm an early bird, and quite frankly the morning is the only time I get to myself.
3) What is your favorite book?
hm? The five people you meet in heaven has always been a favorite, as well as Heaven is for real, A Million Little Pieces, and the Hunger Games. loved all of them. I can't pick just one.
4) What is the best gift you have ever received?
I am the hardest person to buy for, If I want something I just go get it. It drives M crazy. I guess the best gift that I got without purchasing myself would be the swing for our backyard. I love that thing.
5) What position do you sleep in?
oh man, I'm all over the place. I usually fall asleep on my stomach but wake up on my back most of the time.
6) What blog do you read every post they write?
I always read Year Twenty Nine, Macke Monologues, and Skinny Meg
7) If you could only go to one fast food place for the rest of your life where would you go?
First of all, gross but if I had to choose it would be Chipolte because they serve wine salad
8) What is one question you would ask Oprah if you could?
Does "Can I have your autograph" count?
9) If money was not a factor, what is one gift you would buy your significant other?
A weekend package to attend the Kentucky Derby.
10) What is one characteristic (not physical) would you change about yourself?
I'm too dang sensitive. I get on my own nerves
11) What is your favorite thing about your best friend?
Kindness. Sense of humor, her love of wine, the list goes on and on.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
What' I've been up to
Did you think I went off and left my 3 readers?! It's been nothing short of a crazy house around here.
M, as you know has been in STL, with work. H and I joined him last week. We're staying at my parents house. Which really works out to our benefit. Their house has always been the "Home Base" when were here. You never know whose going to pop in and say hello. We absolutely love being here. It's nice to be around family and friends again. I sometimes forget that I don't have to pack everything in a day. It really hasn't hit that we are moving back.
Speaking of friends. Did I mention I'm exactly one mile away from this GIRL. yes, one mile.. door step to door step. She measured, and that my friend is why I love her. She makes morning runs fun-ish.
First thing on the list when we arrived in STL, was to watch this guy graduate.
I've been apart of Devin's life since he was 10. What's not to love about this kid? He's smart, sweet, funny and I didn't have to waddle my prego ass around to get this kid in my life. WINNING. We are so proud of him.
That's where the fun ended, the next day. I hit the ground running, in the house hunting. I mean I LOVE being here at my parents but let's just be honest. We need a home. Thank the big guy above our Realtor is a God sent. It's literally like looking for houses with my mom. She makes it fun and she totally get's me. House hunting has been an adventure. You would not believe how some people live. We've seen it all : Birds, dogs, mean fat black cats, weird smells, weird neighbors, canoes... yes... ol boy had a canoe in their house... Those houses didn't make the cut.
I don't want to jinx us, and clearly I have to tell the world all of our business.. I think we may have found a house... we're in the "have your people call our people stage" The joys of relocation.
H of course is loving all of these changes. She loves being in STL. She still thinks STL is my parents house and not the actual city. bless her. My sister and sister in law have been such a big help in this move. We don't have to worry about entertaining H. They have her social calender booked.
Running has not been up to par but it's happening and so is the HH run. I'm not really sure what I was thinking when I signed up for the 5k BEFORE the Half Mary on Saturday. oh wait it's because I'm a medal whore and I'll do just about anything for a medal.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend in KC with YEAR TWENTY NINE and MACKE MONOLOGUES.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
M, as you know has been in STL, with work. H and I joined him last week. We're staying at my parents house. Which really works out to our benefit. Their house has always been the "Home Base" when were here. You never know whose going to pop in and say hello. We absolutely love being here. It's nice to be around family and friends again. I sometimes forget that I don't have to pack everything in a day. It really hasn't hit that we are moving back.
Speaking of friends. Did I mention I'm exactly one mile away from this GIRL. yes, one mile.. door step to door step. She measured, and that my friend is why I love her. She makes morning runs fun-ish.
First thing on the list when we arrived in STL, was to watch this guy graduate.
I've been apart of Devin's life since he was 10. What's not to love about this kid? He's smart, sweet, funny and I didn't have to waddle my prego ass around to get this kid in my life. WINNING. We are so proud of him.
That's where the fun ended, the next day. I hit the ground running, in the house hunting. I mean I LOVE being here at my parents but let's just be honest. We need a home. Thank the big guy above our Realtor is a God sent. It's literally like looking for houses with my mom. She makes it fun and she totally get's me. House hunting has been an adventure. You would not believe how some people live. We've seen it all : Birds, dogs, mean fat black cats, weird smells, weird neighbors, canoes... yes... ol boy had a canoe in their house... Those houses didn't make the cut.
I don't want to jinx us, and clearly I have to tell the world all of our business.. I think we may have found a house... we're in the "have your people call our people stage" The joys of relocation.
H of course is loving all of these changes. She loves being in STL. She still thinks STL is my parents house and not the actual city. bless her. My sister and sister in law have been such a big help in this move. We don't have to worry about entertaining H. They have her social calender booked.
Running has not been up to par but it's happening and so is the HH run. I'm not really sure what I was thinking when I signed up for the 5k BEFORE the Half Mary on Saturday. oh wait it's because I'm a medal whore and I'll do just about anything for a medal.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend in KC with YEAR TWENTY NINE and MACKE MONOLOGUES.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Five on Friday…
My main squeeze is coming home today!!!
My main squeeze is coming home today!!!
It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen those gorgeous blue eyes! I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m mostly excited about my long run tomorrow that I can take without dragging H along.
MRI happened last week; I go back to the MD on Tuesday. Please pray it’s a quick fix. And by quick fix I’m talking cortisone shot. Yep I said it... if you hear the sound of a high pitch scream. That will be me. For the love of Pete I have a race in one month.
I have 8 more shifts to work until I become a SAHM.
Last night H and I went to Disney on Ice. I’m not sure who had more fun. Me or H. It makes me want to pull out all my Disney VHS (go to the goodwill and get a VCR) and watch them.
28 DAYS UNITL HH!!!! #girlstrip #wine #BSB
Monday, May 5, 2014
Weekend Recap
Friday, I had a total melt down and threw myself a pity party. I’m thinking I don’t handle stress very well. After I went to the garage and chugged a beer I took a few deep breaths, I got a grip and put my running shoes on and after a long run, everything was rainbows and butterflies #NOT. PS I’m changing that saying to “Everything is all pinot and people telling me I’m beautiful.
Saturday, some friends and I took the kiddos to Magic Springs. H LOVED it. That girl has no fear. She wanted to ride all the rides. I think her favorite by far was log flume. Which totally made the 1.5 hour wait for a 4 minute ride worth it. It’s beyond me why we weren’t served drinks in those lines.
Sunday, I cleaned/packed and unloaded half of our garage at the local goodwill. I’m pretty sure me and Paul Wayne (the donation helper) will have BFF tattoo’s before this move is over.
How was your weekend?
Friday, May 2, 2014
It’s like going to church camp…
I can remember it like it was yesterday. Setting in church and getting the church camp flyer, begging my parents to go. Then the closer it got to leaving for camp, the more I’d get anxious about leaving the comforts of my home. Every year I’d go and I would HATE this first few days with a passion. I’m sure there were some tears shed at night. I just couldn’t understand how people could just fall asleep in a random bed. Thoughts would run through my mind… Was this mattress sanitized after the last camper? Does this bed have bugs in it? #aniextyattheageoften.
The feeling of being homesick passed just as quickly as the days did. Before I knew it, it was the last day of camp. While I was going to my clean bed was appealing, I knew I’d miss camp.
I feel like Arkansas is my church camp. I will never forget the day M came home when he got promoted.
M: “hey babe” with his big Dorito smile
Me: why are you smiling like an idiot #wifeoftheyear
M: I got it! I got it! I got the promotion!!!
Me: YEAH! Congrats blah blah blah
Me: So what does this mean?
M: It means we are moving.
Me: Great, we can use a bigger house.
M: No, babe we are MOVING… to ARKANSAS
Me: Stop playing… people don’t MOVE to Arkansas
M: I’m serious, we are moving to Arkansas. I need to be there by Monday. (It was Thursday)
That began the whirlwind.
We moved 6 hours from everyone we knew. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I remember being so angry that we were hear alone. Now looking back, I realize I was such a baby and I should have just made the best of it. You live and you learn. It took a good three years before I could leave STL without Kim Kardashian crying all the way home. We finally started calling Arkansas home. We finally met friends. We were settled. This was home.
Let’s stroll back to January 2014.
M: “babe can you keep a secret?”
Me: no
M: I really need you to keep this a secret.
Me: Fine but can I tell, Lauren, Marcia, Amy and my mom? They don’t count right...
M: NO, listen. There is a chance we may move back to STL. Would you be up to it?
Me: No, I’m fine here.
Fast forward to April 2014:
I get this email
With this announcement:
M, Area Manager-Construction and Engineering, *** Southwest, has accepted the position of Director-Construction and Engineering, ****Southwest. He will be responsible for outside plant construction in Missouri, Kansas and Arkansas, replacing *****, who retired. Mike will be located in St. Louis.
START THE TEARS. Do you know how awkward it is to start crying at your desk in front of your coworkers, especially when you can’t tell them why?
Then I get this email from M:
Hey babe please forward to you mom.
I appreciate both of you at what you do to help here.
Big team effort and a lot of hard work.
Love my life.
I mean god love the boy. I am so proud of him. He has worked his ass off to get this position and I couldn’t be more proud and sad.
Sad that his mom didn’t get to see this accomplishment
Sad that we are leaving Arkansas
Sad that I’m leaving friends
Sad that we won’t live in the house that H has always known as home, the house where she spoke her first words, where she learned to walk. Just sad
Sad that M had to leave last week and report to STL, leaving us in Arkansas.
Sad that I have 304,432 decisions to make. I can’t make a decision to save my life. Don’t believe me? Ask the cranky lady that told me to get out of her way at Kroger’s because I couldn’t decide if Natural Peanut butter was better than Reduce fat Peanut Butter.
I have been a mess this last week. Crying over every little thing. I miss M like a fat kid misses donuts. I need to get a grip. Pray for me.
Yes, moving will be sad. But it’s also a good thing.
I will be reunited with this hot mamma.All of our friends and family with be there. And more importantly GUESS WHO WILL BE BUYING WINE ON SUNDAYS!
This chick. #peaceoutdrycounty
This move will be bittersweet. But it will be good for us as a family.
I just need to find a way to get this girl to move to STL.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
I'm without words
Sunday morning, Amy and I woke from our long night of pretending we were really 23 and not 32. We stumbled into our hotel room sore from our half marathon, smelling like the Tailor Park bar…dirty feet and all. The plan for Sunday was to meet one of Amy’s friends for brunch, causally take our time shopping before we hit the road back to LR. Amy, perked out of bed around 8am, I saw she was checking her phone, naturally I figured she was making sure she didn’t drunk dial anyone the night before but I was wrong. She had an alert on her phone that bad weather was headed towards LR and suggests that we nix our leisurely Sunday and head back home before the weather hits.
I fully don’t understand why I well up with tears when I think of this. Maybe because I think of God’s Grace, Maybe because God protects us from things before we even know we need to be protected. If we had not left Nashville we would have been driving right when the tornado hit.
We drove through a little rain, but not bad at all. Not shortly after we got home I heard the tornado sirens going off. Naturally I freak, because M is out of town and he is normally the one that keeps me from going 0-304 on the freak out scale. I immediately went to M’s closest and cleared a space for us in case we needed to take shelter. NOTE: Houses in Arkansas do not have basements. Which explains my high freak out score. I shut all the doors and corralled my mom, my dog and H to the master bedroom. With the News blaring so we could hear Ned Perme (also known as Ned Spermy because I’m 12yrs old) read the counties as the storm blew over. SALINE COUNTY came over the TV. I look at mom to see if we should head to the closet. I guess I didn’t notice.... but Mom had gathered everything but her curling iron.
Shortly, the sirens go off and we go outside to see the damage. Nothing. It had barley rained. Whew, it blew over us.
We continued to stay in the master bedroom with the TV on watching Perm predict where the Tornado was headed… My stomach was in knots hearing Mayflower, Vilonia, and Conway… I immediately started texting friends who lived in those areas, most responded with “Were ok” “that was scary but we are ok” except one…
My coworker:
“We’ve lost everything”
“We are still searching for biscuit” (their dog)
“Please pray Amie”
My eyes welled up in tears. Tears of joy that she was safe, tears of joy that we were save but how did I have so much joy and so much sadness at one time?
I continued watching the news most of the night and into the morning.
Devastation is the only word that comes to my mind.
It’s absolutely devastating. I came across this blog who speaks about the Smith family who lost their two sons.
GRAB a BOX of Kleenex and read HERE.
This really hit home “Everyone is here for a purpose, for God’s purpose not for our own fulfillment. And we know when their purpose is reached, they GET to go home. How incredible is was that Tyler and Cameron were able to serve their purpose in such a short time, when it takes some people 100 years”
What a witness. What an awesome witness. These parents aren’t mad at God, of course they are filled with sadness but they don’t blame God. Instead they have turned this tragedy into a testimony.
Graphic by Josh Phillips
I fully don’t understand why I well up with tears when I think of this. Maybe because I think of God’s Grace, Maybe because God protects us from things before we even know we need to be protected. If we had not left Nashville we would have been driving right when the tornado hit.
We drove through a little rain, but not bad at all. Not shortly after we got home I heard the tornado sirens going off. Naturally I freak, because M is out of town and he is normally the one that keeps me from going 0-304 on the freak out scale. I immediately went to M’s closest and cleared a space for us in case we needed to take shelter. NOTE: Houses in Arkansas do not have basements. Which explains my high freak out score. I shut all the doors and corralled my mom, my dog and H to the master bedroom. With the News blaring so we could hear Ned Perme (also known as Ned Spermy because I’m 12yrs old) read the counties as the storm blew over. SALINE COUNTY came over the TV. I look at mom to see if we should head to the closet. I guess I didn’t notice.... but Mom had gathered everything but her curling iron.
She’s hysterical.
Shortly, the sirens go off and we go outside to see the damage. Nothing. It had barley rained. Whew, it blew over us.
We continued to stay in the master bedroom with the TV on watching Perm predict where the Tornado was headed… My stomach was in knots hearing Mayflower, Vilonia, and Conway… I immediately started texting friends who lived in those areas, most responded with “Were ok” “that was scary but we are ok” except one…
My coworker:
“We’ve lost everything”
“We are still searching for biscuit” (their dog)
“Please pray Amie”
My eyes welled up in tears. Tears of joy that she was safe, tears of joy that we were save but how did I have so much joy and so much sadness at one time?
I continued watching the news most of the night and into the morning.
Devastation is the only word that comes to my mind.
Monday morning, Tornado talk was all anyone could talk about. We received word that my coworker was ok. The dogs were found.
Unfortunately that was it.
Unfortunately that was it.
It’s absolutely devastating. I came across this blog who speaks about the Smith family who lost their two sons.
GRAB a BOX of Kleenex and read HERE.
I absolutely cannot fathom the amount of pain this family is going through. It isn’t fair, it’s sad, it’s absolutely devastating. The amount of faith that the Smith family has is incredible. Absolutely incredible.
This really hit home “Everyone is here for a purpose, for God’s purpose not for our own fulfillment. And we know when their purpose is reached, they GET to go home. How incredible is was that Tyler and Cameron were able to serve their purpose in such a short time, when it takes some people 100 years”
What a witness. What an awesome witness. These parents aren’t mad at God, of course they are filled with sadness but they don’t blame God. Instead they have turned this tragedy into a testimony.
I ask you today, to please keep the Smith family (and all the other families) in your prayers. Hug your babies, hug your friends and for goodness sake treat each other with kindness. You never know what tomorrow brings.
Graphic by Josh Phillips
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Thinking, how am I going to pack, do laundry, get the garage sale stuff organized and make it to happy hour before half priced wine ends? Procrastination Station…all aboard
Wearing, super cute, super comfy maxi skirt with a polo T-shirt. Today is my dress down Friday.
Watching, my little pony. H’s new obsession. I miss T.V with adult content and cuss words.
Liking, every single house that we look at. There is so much pressure in buying a house. I’m talking important decisions Folks: will my walk in closet be big enough? Will the basement be far enough from the living room so I can’t hear M watch the history channel on volume level 94? Will H be in a good school district? How far is the liquor store? You see what I mean?
Wanting, a Nutribullet. I mean every house needs one. This is why I need to stay off the internet. I mean if Natalie from the Today Show needs it..so do I.
Loving, hearing H say her night time prayers.
H: Dear Jesus, I wish for a unicorn
Me: Sugar, we don’t wish for things when we pray
H: oops sorry, Dear Jesus, Thank you for unicorns, Thank you for macaroni and cheese, Thank you for papa, Twinkle Twinkle little star… I love you Jesus Amen.
Testing M’s patients. I’m all.. Let’s get rid of all of our furniture and buy new in STL. DENIED I think I shouldn’t have to work when we move. DENIED. I think we need a pool.. you know for exercise DENIED. Uh.. Men.
Laughing at the fact that I’m running a half marathon this weekend, all while my left ankle could be mistaken for Shrek’s ankle
Wearing, super cute, super comfy maxi skirt with a polo T-shirt. Today is my dress down Friday.
Watching, my little pony. H’s new obsession. I miss T.V with adult content and cuss words.
Liking, every single house that we look at. There is so much pressure in buying a house. I’m talking important decisions Folks: will my walk in closet be big enough? Will the basement be far enough from the living room so I can’t hear M watch the history channel on volume level 94? Will H be in a good school district? How far is the liquor store? You see what I mean?
Wanting, a Nutribullet. I mean every house needs one. This is why I need to stay off the internet. I mean if Natalie from the Today Show needs it..so do I.
Loving, hearing H say her night time prayers.
H: Dear Jesus, I wish for a unicorn
Me: Sugar, we don’t wish for things when we pray
H: oops sorry, Dear Jesus, Thank you for unicorns, Thank you for macaroni and cheese, Thank you for papa, Twinkle Twinkle little star… I love you Jesus Amen.
Testing M’s patients. I’m all.. Let’s get rid of all of our furniture and buy new in STL. DENIED I think I shouldn’t have to work when we move. DENIED. I think we need a pool.. you know for exercise DENIED. Uh.. Men.
Laughing at the fact that I’m running a half marathon this weekend, all while my left ankle could be mistaken for Shrek’s ankle
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Which Way is Up
I don't know if I'm coming or going. Things are a bit crazy in the L house.
Finding a house that we both can agree on
Running my first half mary this weekend
Sadness about leaving friends
Not drinking wine during the week
Saying goodbye to my husband. He's heading to STL before the rest of us..PARTY CITY... Whose going to kill the spiders? Whose clothes will I pick up?... Who am I kidding, I'll be chugging vino with my bestie..
I promise to do better next week
We did have a great Easter, I shall leave you with my sweet angel
Finding a house that we both can agree on
Running my first half mary this weekend
Sadness about leaving friends
Not drinking wine during the week
Saying goodbye to my husband. He's heading to STL before the rest of us..
I promise to do better next week
We did have a great Easter, I shall leave you with my sweet angel
Friday, April 18, 2014
This week has been a whirlwind, to say the very least. Exciting things are happening in the L home but I’ll touch on that later.
This week has been a whirlwind, to say the very least. Exciting things are happening in the L home but I’ll touch on that later.
Sweet Tea. I can’t get enough of this liquid gold lately. Maybe if I drink enough of it summer will come. Nothing says summer like Sweet Tea.
Mom and I have been scouring antique store to find the perfect piece of furniture for this boring wall that I have in my kitchen. We nailed it with this piece!

Did anyone else see the “BLOOD MOON” I was up bright eyed and bushy tail lurking at the moon. I tried to get M up because I’m scared of the dark so we could be all romantical but he wouldn’t budge. I’m so glad I got up to see it. The moon fascinates me.
I’m ready to hide the grey hair give my hair some life…
I have to share this little gem with you guys. I was browsing THIS blog and fell in love with this silhouette.
I swear time is going so fast with little H. She is no longer a toddler but athreenager little girl. #breaksmyheart.
What a perfect way to capture her as a little girl.
It's supper easy, you just snap a side profile picture of your little one and email it off to Lindsay. Boom. She'll even send you a proof.
I swear time is going so fast with little H. She is no longer a toddler but a
What a perfect way to capture her as a little girl.
I got so excited and ordered one for a special girl who just turned two. It seriously brought tears to her mamma’s eyes.
It's supper easy, you just snap a side profile picture of your little one and email it off to Lindsay. Boom. She'll even send you a proof.
Head on over to Love, Bug & Peanut and check her shop out. She has tons of great stuff. Lindsay was super sweet and her products shipped fast.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014
Life lesson's
I came across this article and absolute love it. Sometimes we need a little reminder about what is really important in life.
People often tell Regina Brett how great she looks for her age. Turns out, she is actually 54 years old — not 90. She wrote down these life lessons the night before her 45th birthday after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Over that past decade, these lessons have gone viral on the Internet amid claims that she is 90 years old. Luckily, she finds humor in this misrepresentation, knowing how many lives she has touched.
Whatever her age might be, these universal lessons are relatable to anyone who needs a little reminder of what’s important in life.
1.Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2.When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3.Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4.Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5.Pay off your credit cards every month.
6.You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7.Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8.Save for retirement, starting with your first paycheck.
9.When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
10.Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
11.It's OK to let your children see you cry.
12.Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
13.If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
14.Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
15.You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
16.A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
17.It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
18.When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
19.Burn the candles; use the nice sheets; wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.20.Overprepare, then go with the flow.
21.Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
22.The most important sex organ is the brain.
23.No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
24.Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
25.Forgive everyone everything.
26.What other people think of you is none of your business.
27.Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
28.However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
29.Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
30.Believe in miracles.
31.Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
32.Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.
33.Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
34.Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
35.If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
36.Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
37.Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
38.All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39.Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
40.The best is yet to come.41.No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
42.Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
43.If you don't ask, you don't get.
44.Yield.45.Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
Say Cheese
Last month a friend of mine told me about a local photographer looking for models, age’s 3-4 right up my alley, Right? I guess I temporally lost my mind and submitted H’ info. I get a call that they want to use H. perfect. This will be fun. H loves getting her picture taken and she can be a ham when it comes to the camera.
Boy was I wrong. I guess I forgot how picky H was with her clothes.
Let me set the scene.
The photo shoot was 30 minutes away, no biggie, only one minor detail it was at 9:30am on Saturday morning. Um, H loves her sleep and usually sleeps in on Saturday mornings. When H wakes up on her own, she is all sunshine and butterflies. When we have to wake H up she is full of piss and vinegar. You follow me?
We get to the shoot… Hair still wet, and when I went to change her into her first outfit… guess what H forgot to put on….YEP… Girlfriend was going commando. I about died… mother of the year folks….
I knew H would throw a fit so I tried to throw it on as quickly as possible without H realizing that this dress was going to be itchier than a bad case of the chicken pox. And without any of the other mom’s seeing that my child didn’t have panties on. I threw the dress on H and took her out to area where the pictures were being taken…
Queue the tears, queue the tantrum queue H trying to take the dress off and queue all the side eye rolls from the mothers.
Boy was I wrong. I guess I forgot how picky H was with her clothes.
Let me set the scene.
The photo shoot was 30 minutes away, no biggie, only one minor detail it was at 9:30am on Saturday morning. Um, H loves her sleep and usually sleeps in on Saturday mornings. When H wakes up on her own, she is all sunshine and butterflies. When we have to wake H up she is full of piss and vinegar. You follow me?
We get to the shoot… Hair still wet, and when I went to change her into her first outfit… guess what H forgot to put on….YEP… Girlfriend was going commando. I about died… mother of the year folks….
They pull out H’s first dress… I’m not kidding it was similar to this…
Queue the tears, queue the tantrum queue H trying to take the dress off and queue all the side eye rolls from the mothers.
I wanted to die.
Next, outfit. The designer asks H what she wanted to wear. H and this lady who clearly did not have children but thankfully thought H was cute enough NOT to send us home walked H around and let her pick out her outfit. The 2nd outfit was a hit. H looked adorable. The tears dried up and her smile was on point.
However, the rest of the pictures were taken outside. It was 56 and windy. H wasn’t having it. I mean, H models one outfit and thinks she is about to be on the cover for Marie Claire magazine. Can we say high maintenance? She wanted to pick out her own outfits, her own hair accessories and H insisted that her tags be cut off, the other children…oh they were totally ok with tucking the tags in. Not my child
I about died. I had to keep telling myself that she was only 3. It was one of those moments where everyone was super sweet (totally faking it I’m sure) and I was on high alert.
All in all they got some cute pictures but I think H was too young. It was a good experience but H really didn’t enjoy it. I think we will put modeling on the back burner for a bit and just let H be a kid.
You live and you learn right?
Friday, April 4, 2014
Five Things Friday
Five Things Friday
Tomorrow H has a photo shoot. Doesn’t that sound fancy? Let’s hope they don’t send us home after they notice she’s missing a large chunk of hair because Miss Thang decided to cut her hair last week.
This girl has been my partner in crime lately. I knew she got me when she said these two sentences to me last night: 1.Grab the bottle of wine and let’s go chat. 2. I’ve got to tell you something and I want you to keep your “Big Mouth Shut”until I’m done#sheknowsmetoowell
Tomorrow H has a photo shoot. Doesn’t that sound fancy? Let’s hope they don’t send us home after they notice she’s missing a large chunk of hair because Miss Thang decided to cut her hair last week.
This girl has been my partner in crime lately. I knew she got me when she said these two sentences to me last night: 1.Grab the bottle of wine and let’s go chat. 2. I’ve got to tell you something and I want you to keep your “Big Mouth Shut”until I’m done#sheknowsmetoowell
Since M is out of town. I’m driving his ginormous truck. I may or may not have almost taken out a pole… in the drive thru…at the liquor store. I’m talking employee hanging out the window trying to direct me… I missed the pole BUT I gave them a nice yard job. #can’ttakemeanywhere
Marathon training take two.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Wednesday's Confessions
Today I'm linking up with Dateless in Dallas, with Wednesday's Confessions
I mean confessions are good for the soul right… no judging…
I confess, I skip out on my calories READ Meals if I know I am drinking wine later that evening with friends. It’s all about balance right. It’s working because the number on the scale is going down.. Hallelujah
M is headed out of town this weekend, How will I sleep at night… oh wait... I’ll sleep like a baby with that king size bed all to myself (plus my 3yr old and boxer) I digress.
I hate when he leaves. I think he hates leaving us just as much. You would think he’s leaving for war. Tonight you will find us attached to each other’s hip while watching the cardinal’s game.
My house looks like a freaking tornado went through it. Shit is everywhere. Do I care? Nope, weather has been too nice to be stuck inside. We’ve been outside.
I am obsessed with Phillip Phillips. (Still) he is coming to STL in June. I will be there. And I fully plan on touching that boy’s body… I'm going to go ahead and start saving for my bail.
This is why you don’t leave scissors unattended.
Yep, Miss H gave herself a hair cut. Thankfully she has a head full of curls and you can't tell.
Yep, Miss H gave herself a hair cut. Thankfully she has a head full of curls and you can't tell.
As some of you know, my mother has lived with us for the past year and a half.
Short explanation. The department she worked for was bought out; she was able to transfer to AR with the same company to keep her retirement plan and her sanity. While she hated leaving her husband, home, dog and her life behind in STL for two years, she did what she had to do.
Short explanation. The department she worked for was bought out; she was able to transfer to AR with the same company to keep her retirement plan and her sanity. While she hated leaving her husband, home, dog and her life behind in STL for two years, she did what she had to do.
Mom now has less than 100 days before she retires aka moves back to STL. She is on the count down. Trust me. While she drives me bat shit crazy sometimes, I know I am going to miss her.
With that said, I/we have challenged ourselves to enjoy the time that she has left here in Arkansas. So on Saturdays we play “how can we spend money? Let’s try something new in Arkansas”
This past Saturday morning we hit up a local restaurant called Loca Luna for brunch.
I mean you can’t go wrong with a name like that.
The atmosphere was somewhat a mixture of your grandma’s basement and a college dorm room. None the less the food was delicious and the mimosas were on key.
If you are ever in the LR area, Loca Luna is a must.
That's my kind of night
Let me set the scene:
Bronco, cooler of ice cold beers,wine, two cackling girls, two guys in the front seat and sounds of George Strait, Luke Bryan and Michael Jackson blaring through the speakers.
That’s my kind of night… name that country song. #I’vebeeninthesouthtoolong
That was our Saturday night. M and I met some friends, who are freshly dating, for dinner and drinks followed by a night driving the back country roads in a bronco. I hate to admit but it was a perfect night.
There was something soothing about complete darkness and seeing the stars as we drove through the gravel roads. Minus spilling my wine over my shirt as we hit the bumps…
What wasn’t so soothing was driving over the same rail road tracks where THIS happened… My Safety kid rules were in full force…
We also drove by the house that was used in Forrest Gump. Who knew Arkansas has such history?
Do you ever drive back roads?
Bronco, cooler of ice cold beers,wine, two cackling girls, two guys in the front seat and sounds of George Strait, Luke Bryan and Michael Jackson blaring through the speakers.
That’s my kind of night… name that country song. #I’vebeeninthesouthtoolong
That was our Saturday night. M and I met some friends, who are freshly dating, for dinner and drinks followed by a night driving the back country roads in a bronco. I hate to admit but it was a perfect night.
There was something soothing about complete darkness and seeing the stars as we drove through the gravel roads. Minus spilling my wine over my shirt as we hit the bumps…
What wasn’t so soothing was driving over the same rail road tracks where THIS happened… My Safety kid rules were in full force…
We also drove by the house that was used in Forrest Gump. Who knew Arkansas has such history?
Do you ever drive back roads?
Monday, March 31, 2014
Play Ball
I’m not even kidding when I say M woke up with a big cheesy smile this morning. Claiming “Today is the best day of the year”
That’s right folks. Today the St. Louis Cardinals play…
Which means, M will be skipping out of work early and “work from home” to watch the game. It also means I will come home to the sound of baseball in the back ground from the TV.
Best sound ever…
That’s right folks. Today the St. Louis Cardinals play…
Which means, M will be skipping out of work early and “work from home” to watch the game. It also means I will come home to the sound of baseball in the back ground from the TV.
Best sound ever…
Monday, March 24, 2014
We had a weekend full of cleaning, playing outside, shopping (of course) dinner and laughs with friends. Let’s focus on the shopping shall we?
My biggest accomplishment this weekend was shoes…. For sweet H. Girlfriend is super picky about every article that she wears. #shootme.
Saturday morning we headed to our favorite store The Toggery. I was mentally prepared for a shit show. My water cup may or may not of had vino in it. Either way I was mentally prepared to walk into the store and come out with wounds. We stretched, said a prayer, swigged on wine and walked in.
Of course we were greeted by this sweet lady, Joan. I wanted to warn her to run but of course she was all... Oh honey I’m used to this.
We pick sandals, we tried them on H said “nah, I don’t like those”
We tried Toms H said “Nah, too itchy”
We tried Keds, H said “no thanks, those are for babies”
We tried Keens, H said “No, those are for boys”
We tried sparkly Puma H said “I look like Barbie, let’s get these” I said, sweetie those are two sides too big… The tears start and I look at Joan and say “you can totally help someone else; I realize we have exceeded your limit of customer service."
Then I looked H
I look at Joan and before I knew it she had H’s size and quickly put them on her feet.
I swear I heard “We are the Champions come on over the loud speaker”
I may or may not have busted out in a victory dance…
They were perfect. H put them on and ran as fast as she could around the store. Yelling “Look mamma, I’m fast”
This was a victory. She hasn’t taken them off, and now I’m no longer the mom that send her child to school in flip flops every day.
I’m thinking about writing New Balance a letter thanking them, and of course Ms. Joan... is on our will.
Did you have any victories this weekend?
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
11 Q & As
3 post in one day?! This girl is on fire…queue Alicia Key voice
I’m attempting to look super busy in my office so no one bother me… so far its working.
My sweet, long lost blogging buddy Desiree @ Macke Monologues, nominated me for Liebster Award. Isn't she sweet..I love me some Desiree. I never miss a post. If you ever need a recipe or running inspiration she is your girl. She makes running look like a walk in the park. BONUS she posts pictures of her adorable son… sends you right into baby fever.
1.What is the one book you believe everyone must read?
I can’t decide on just one. I think everyone should read Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo and The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom.
2.If there were 25 hours in a day, what would you do with that extra 60 minutes?
I would like to say I’d do something productive like run or do house work, but it would probably be spend snuggled up with my husband, my 3 year old and my boxer.
3.To date, what blog post of yours is your favorite, and why?
Hmm, That’s a hard one.. But probably this ONE. EVERY time I read it I get tears in my eyes. In a strange way it helps me remember that life can change in a second and to cherish each moment with the ones you love.
4.What is one thing you would love to tell your 16-year old self?
Oh lard… so many things. You don’t know it all. 2. Turn your radio down 3. You will miss high school sports so cherish them.
5.As moms it is sometimes difficult to carve out 'me' time. What is one thing you love to do just for you?
I’m only work 4 days a week. Usually on my week day off I keep H at home. Most days, but occasionally I take her to school and I get the house to myself. Usually I spend the day cleaning but when I really need to treat myself, I spend it alone with a glass of wine.
6.Where is your dream vacation destination?
I really want to go see the world… lol... I would love to go to Hawaii, see the Northern Lights, or CA and enjoy wine country7.What is the best mommy moment you've experienced thus far?
There is no greater feeling than when H walks up to me and says “I love you mamma” I get weak in the knees.
8.A guilty pleasure:
Wine, Reality T.V, Oreo’s, mac n cheese, shopping, the list goes on.
9.Favorite app:
Songza and the Tip app. I’m terrible at figuring out tips…10.What is something your readers may not know about you?
I’m a lefty.
11.Share a favorite picture of your little one(s) with YOU in the picture, too:
I miss you summer...
I can’t wait for summer because…
I need sunshine in my life. These gloomy days are for the birds. Life has a little more pep when the sun is shining.
I need a day at the pool in my life again
I want to wear shorts and sun dresses and tank tops… my summer wardrobe is ten times better than my winter wardrobe.
Because I long for the summer nights sitting on the deck drinking with friends
I miss seeing lighting bugs
Because I get just as excited as H when we hear the ice cream truck
Because every July we throw a huge party at my parents
Because my yard desperately needs sunshine and some pretty flowers and humming bird feeders
My skin is over due to be kissed by the sun
Can we say “SNOW CONES?”
Because nothing makes me happier than being at Busch Stadium watching the cardinals play
Last weekend, me, my main squeeze and the bambino skipped out on work and headed to Dallas. Have you been? We’ve been a few times. I LOVE Dallas.
Side note: Our options of being relocation has always been Dallas or back home to STL.
So naturally when we go to Dallas, I like to pretend I live there, while I scoured the streets for the closest Nordstrom Rack and Wine Bars.
There is so much to do in Dallas. You must try it.
I digress… M had a new route to take that would “miss all of the Dallas traffic” I was a good wife and zipped my know it all lips and let him take over. He was right, we missed the Dallas traffic but we added 2hrs to our drive. READ 2 hours more of listening to the Frozen Soundtrack. I can now say we ALL know every word to every song on the CD. Yes we added 2 more hours but it was fun #that’salie. They actually live in South Lake, so not his fault it took longer than usual.
Side note: Our options of being relocation has always been Dallas or back home to STL.
So naturally when we go to Dallas, I like to pretend I live there, while I scoured the streets for the closest Nordstrom Rack and Wine Bars.
There is so much to do in Dallas. You must try it.
I digress… M had a new route to take that would “miss all of the Dallas traffic” I was a good wife and zipped my know it all lips and let him take over. He was right, we missed the Dallas traffic but we added 2hrs to our drive. READ 2 hours more of listening to the Frozen Soundtrack. I can now say we ALL know every word to every song on the CD. Yes we added 2 more hours but it was fun #that’salie. They actually live in South Lake, so not his fault it took longer than usual.
I forgot all the stress that came along with planning the first birthday party. I have to give it to my friend, the morning of the party the caterer/food truck cancelled AND the bounce house guy cancelled… (Due to weather…which it rained that’s it… I was shocked) It was enough to send me straight to the bar but not this girl. She handled it with grace. I’m thinking about hiring her to plan all of H’s party from here on out. This mamma knows how to throw a party.
I think the hardest part was keeping H and me from this table of sin desert table.
Hello Kitty made an appearance.
This is M friend from high school (it was his daughter’s birthday)… we laughed at how things have changed. St. Patricks’ day usually was spend stumbling around an Irish bar with unlimited green beer… lol now these guys are dancing to “what does the Fox say, with hello Kitty”
The face painting was a hit as well.
Once the kiddo’s went into their sugar induce coma the adults were able to finally relax. It was so nice visiting with friends. It’s always a great time in Dallas
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